Maybe I didn't quite learn my lesson during my stay in Penang Free School..joining Scouts again.Sure,everyone agrees it's fun and exciting at times but who likes memorizing those many many stuffs that are made to be..remembered.
Anyways,back to what I wanted to share,yesterday,I had my first interesting shit out of school today.I don't even know what it is neither do I know what it's called but,we'll settle for 'interesting shit'.I walked,along with my un-expected companies,Tommy,Justur and Chris Wong,to Penang Bowl.
There,we bowled for like 40 minutes approximately.Tommy then suggested we walk to Esplanade.And unfortunately,it was an extremely hot day so I was given a little too much of Vitamin C for me skin.
Like what most people would do,well at least,boys,we lepak-ed and do retarded 'stunts'.That includes getting ourselves to the sea by climbing over those cement-ed brick wall,challenged each other to see who could swing higher on a swing etc.
Thean Juan,are you sure it's 'Vitamin C for your skin'?
Uh huh,I'm pretty sure that it's 'Vitamin C for your skin'.